How to Change Shop Name on Etsy

by | May 24, 2024 | Ecommerce Tricks

While setting up a store, you may hastily choose a shop name you don’t like or later find a better name that fits your business category. This guide will walk you through the steps to change your shop name on Etsy, helping you establish your brand store smoothly.

How to Change Your Shop Name on Etsy

Changing your shop name on Etsy is a simple process that allows you to rebrand or update your shop’s identity. Follow these steps to change your store name:

  1. Go to and log in to your Etsy account.
    2. Click the “Shop Manager” icon.
    3. In the Shop Manager, click “Settings.”
    4. Select “Info & Appearance” from the list of options.
    5. There is an underlined “Change” to the right of your original store name; click it.
    6. Enter your new shop name, check it for accuracy, and click “Save.”

Click the Shop Manager icon

In the Shop Manager, click Settings

Info & Appearance

Changenew shop nameNote:
1. The store name cannot exceed 20 characters and cannot contain spaces or punctuation marks.
2. If the name is already taken, the change will not be successful.
3. The name you choose cannot be the username of a buyer account or a closed account.
4. You can change your Etsy shop name only five times once your shop is live.
5. After each modification, you can change it again immediately. You do not have to wait 30 days before modifying it again.

Etsy shop name tips

When choosing or changing your Etsy shop name, consider these tips to create a memorable and effective brand identity:

Reflect your brand:
Your store name should reflect the products you sell and the overall aesthetic or vibe of your brand. Consider keywords or phrases that describe your niche or style.

Keep it simple:
Choose a store name that is concise and easy to remember. Avoid names that are too long or complex, and select names that are easy to spell and pronounce so customers can easily remember them.

Don’t use anyone else’s trademark:
Using trademarks from well-known brands can be tempting, but it may result in legal issues.

Check availability:
Before finalizing your shop name, ensure it is unique and not already in use by another Etsy seller. Search on Etsy to verify availability.

Consider SEO:
Incorporate relevant keywords into your shop name to increase its visibility in Etsy search results. Choose keywords that accurately describe your product and niche.

How to change your username and preferred name

Your Etsy account username cannot be changed because you registered a username when you created your account. You can log in using your username or email address.

A preferred name is simply your name. You can use your full name, nickname, or username as your preferred name. The purpose of a preferred name is to let your users know how to address you.

If you want to change your name on Etsy, you can follow these steps:

1. Find “Your Profile” in “Shop Manager“.

2. Click it, and you will be taken to the “Public Profile” page.

3. To change your name, click the underlined “Change or remove” to the right of your original name.4. After making changes, remember to save them; otherwise, your changes will be invalid.

Change your name on etsy


Will my original shop link still work after changing the shop name?

When you change the name of your Etsy shop, you will get a new URL. The previous store URL will redirect to your new store URL.

What if I need to change my shop name again?

You can still change your store name immediately, but note that Etsy only allows you to modify your store name 5 times after you open an Etsy shop.

What should I do if my copyrighted name is already taken?

You can try to get your store name back through friendly communication with the store owner. Alternatively, you can reclaim your store name through legal means.

Can I restore the original shop name after changing the shop name?

No, the shop name cannot be the username of a buyer account or a closed account, even if you have changed the shop name before.

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